1S World Book Day

Year 1 had a wonderful day yesterday celebrating World Book Day. The children looked amazing in their costumes and enjoyed drawing and talking about their characters.
The children enjoyed taking part in a book mark competition and parading around the hall to show off their costumes.
We later enjoyed the story ‘Look up’ by Nathan Byron and we created shooting stars and shooting star chalk artwork.
Thank you for a great day, well done Year 1!

Design Technology ‘Structures’ Exhibition

Today, Bowker Vale did what we do best! To come together as an incredible TEAM and COMMUNITY to present the lovely learning that we have recently been working on. All classes were given the brief, to design and create a structure that represents the last 16 months that we have all experienced. It was an incredible sight to see what each class had created that shared messages of hope, positivity, care, kindness, communities, support and thanks.

Take a look at the Brilliant Bowker Vale Structures!

DT project

Today we began our journey to designing and creating a model village. Today it was time to tinker! The children practiced cutting, sticking and folding a 3D net to make a building.  We experimented with different combinations and sizes and even managed to make a roof.

Amazing Art

Take a look at the artwork that 2C have produced this afternoon. They are amazing!

We have been learning about the mountain gorilla and the children’s artwork is going to go up on our display along with some fantastic fact files that they have also created. I am super impressed!