English hook

Year 3 made a very exciting discovery today, some HUGE footprints! At first we thought they belonged to Buddy, but we soon realised they were too large. We followed the footprints and they lead us to Mrs B’s room where she had found our new class book ‘How To Wash a Woolly Mammoth’. We realised that we have had some mysterious prehistoric creatures spotted strolling around the school grounds.

Storytelling with Robin Simpson

This week is National Story Telling Week and to celebrate the children in 3M were lucky enough to meet Robin Simpson this morning and listen to his interactive storytelling of the Greek myth Theseus and the Minotaur. The children joined in with songs and completed a poetry task! Well done 3M your behaviour was outstanding!!!

National Storytelling Week is fantastic annual event. It is a joyful celebration of the power of sharing stories. Stories teach us about the world, they allow us to step into someone else’s shoes and feel empathy, they help us to relax and escape and they can help develop essential literacy skills.

Healthy Lunchbox Workshop

We had another fantastic parent workshop this morning delivered by the Healthy Weighing Team. They offered so much advice on healthy eating and healthy lunchboxes.

One key piece of information that has stuck in my mind is portion size. See the below guide for the correct guidance we should be offering our children, this also applies to adults.

Eat well guides…

Key points to remember from the session…

•Offer 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day – eat the rainbow

•Provide 6-8 glasses of water or sugar free squash a day.

•Take notice of traffic light system on food packaging

•Be mindful of portion sizes

•Limit processed foods and try to offer foods as close to their natural state Consider frozen fruit and vegetables – these are much fresher and often cheaper!

Why not try one of the healthy lunchbox recipes.

Thank you to our parents for attending.

Please use the QR code for more information.

Nursery Healthy Lunch Box Workshop

We are excited to offer a FREE healthy lunchbox workshop to all of our NURSERY parents Tuesday the 16th January at 9am. The session will be delivered by Babs Crick, who is a Healthy Weight Co-ordinator. The session will cover healthy eating advice, what to include in a healthy lunchbox, how to get your child to eat more fruit and vegetables and tips on how to get your child moving more.

If you have any question please come and speak to Miss Mansfield directly.

Healthy Lunchbox Workshop

We had a fantastic parent workshop this morning that was delivered by Cassie from Healthy Schools. Cassie gave lots of important information on healthy eating and tips on how to include a more balanced diet within your child’s lunchbox. I have included some useful information from the session for you to access using the QR code.

Thank you for all those parents that attended and your informative feedback.

Try using this guide to pack a healthier lunchbox with your child.

When packing your lunchbox, think about portion size.

Use the QR codes for more information.

Here are some suggestions of ways to keep active over the holidays.