Eco Leaders visit Manchester City FA to see pond and wildlife areas.

The Eco Leaders were invited by the Director of sustainability to visit Manchester City Football Academy to look at the areas that they have developed from ‘brown’ waste land or industrial areas into ‘green’ areas. These once industrial factory sites now attract wildlife such as Bee’s and insects as well as other larger animals like birds, badgers and bats.

The director was really impressed with our Eco Leaders pond designs and we will be considering which options we are interested in for our own pond in the future.

We began the tour with presentation which showed us the difference between how the area used to look and how it looks now…

This is how it was 20 years ago…..

And how it looks today…

We then went on a tour around the grounds of the Academy and learnt lots of interesting things about how Manchester City have turned their ‘brown land’ site into a wildlife Oasis!

A Solitary Bee hotel…

Football pitches used by the women’s and youth teams.

Manchester City spelt in Bee hotels!

The very icy pond in the sunlight…

Log piles for Wildlife homes…

Beetle homes…

Bird feeders…

The huge Pine trees planted only 10 years ago!

The living wall – good chance for a group photograph!

We had such a fantastic welcome from Manchester City and learnt so much. We can’t wait to get started on our final pond designs!

Watch this space for more information soon…

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