PGL 2016

Our trip to PGL was amazing. On the first day we arrived and had dinner and lucky for us it was PIZZA . Later on that night ,we a game called ambush were we had a set of arrrows and we placed the every few yards until we hid then the opposing team would come and try and found you and if they did they had to shout AMBUSH. After the games we went to bed (well didnt really  go to bed straight to bed) .

In the morning we had to wake up at 7:00 am and had breakfast at around 7:45 am (but it was worth it). Over the course of the day , we attempted high ropes, giant swing ,tunnel trail and zip wire all as thrilling as the other. Once night had fallen , we played a few more games and then had a campfire, with a lot of singing.

We did many more games ect. and the week was AWSOME!

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