My 2015 First Term Holidays In Year 6.

I stayed at home and played exploration lite on my own tablet my own obviously I secured my own tablet with a code that I told my sister and my best cousin ever. The code  first time it was fifa15 then I changed it into fifa16 then I changed it into 2015 then  I changed it into 2016 and now I changed it into hello. They are funny cod’s I think I have RF2012  (real football 2012) I have too too too too too too too too too too much fun when I play that. I even have Farmer Sim 2015 I have same fun when I play RF2012. I buyed a plow for my tractor and a seeder  and there are a bit big and the plow helps me to plow very easily and quickly. The seeder helps me to seed very easily and quickly. I buyed a new corn cuter for my combine and that’s a bit big as well but I don’t care about it because it helps me to cut the corn very easill and quickly. I like very much to play football but I can’t play football I not even good at it.

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