“Doors are locked!” I radioed back to Grace. “Can anyone see him ?” Grace asked us “No,” we all radioed back “Well if he’s here, he’s trapped!” Grace told us “Wait! Wait I got something I see footprints!” I told her ” Go after them!” She told me. I followed these strange footprints, they lead me to a door upstairs in my house. Nervous, I reached out and opened the door … There was nothing there just a pair of boots! “It’s a trick!” I shouted through my radio back to Grace. Suddenly I saw a flash ofred! I quickly turned around and there was footprints everywhere. I followed them and there was presents under the tree! Then I heard someone coming, I hid behind a large present. The shadow looked like he was holding a large bag. Could it, is it? SANTA! Sitting there I thought this will be the best celebration ever!