5DT Christmas party

Today we had our own clothes, christmas dinners and our christmas parties. In the morning we had a test and we made our christmas hats for the church tomorrow. Then we had a fifteen minute break inside [it was wet play] and then we went into the hall to get our christmas lunches. After I had eaten my christmas lunch, I went back to the classroom and we played tomato ketchup. After lunch, it was our party! First we played musical statues, musical chairs, musical bumps and then a dance-off[I won.]After the dance-off, we went into the hall with the other year 5 class and both year 6 classes.Whilst we were in the hall, we danced to  about 6 or 7 songs. We stayed in there for around 45 minutes. When we came back from the hall, we got our coats and bags and went home. I had a great time!!