NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe.

This week, children in Years 1 – 6 have taken part in the NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe assembly and activities. They were introduced to Buddy, who is a speech bubble representing the right that all children have to speak out and stay safe.

At an age appropriate level, children were reminded:

  • of the types of abuse
  • that abuse is never a child’s fault
  • that they have the right to get help if they need it
  • who to talk to if they need help and their Special 5 (trusted adults)
  • of the Childline number (0800 1111) and how to access support

Here are some examples of the children’s thoughtful work following the sessions.

National Numeracy Parental Engagement Project

Yesterday, Years 3 and 4 were joined by some of their parents and carers in classes to start using their family maths scrapbooks, which the National Numeracy charity have kindly provided. All classes worked on their first challenge – dominos – and enjoyed doing working with their families to complete this!

Iain from National Numeracy then arrived at school and held a ‘Help your child love maths!’ workshop for parents and carers in Years 1 – 6 which focussed on supporting children to develop positive attitudes towards maths. All parents and carers who attended were offered access to National Numeracy’s free online learning tool for adults, the National Numeracy Challenge, and were entered into a raffle to win a family hamper, which was won by Antije!

If you were unable to attend, don’t worry! If you are a parent or carer of a child in Reception through to Year 6, you can sign up to receive a free copy of the Family Maths Toolkit to use at home by following this link: https://www.nationalnumeracy.org.uk/free-family-maths-toolkit Here, you will find over 200 ‘everyday maths’ activities for your family to do together. If you would like to improve your own confidence with maths, you may wish to take part in the National Numeracy Challenge, which can be accessed by following this link: www.nationalnumeracy.org.uk/challenge/bvpsaq