Powerful Choices in Years 5 and 6

On Friday, Bigfoot Arts Education visited our school to deliver an educational assembly and workshop called Powerful Choices.

This programme has been designed specifically for Years 5 & 6 and is an early intervention approach to exploring with young people key messages around the topic of peer pressure, knife crime, gang violence and, ultimately, how to:

  • keep themselves and others safe
  • recognise and manage risk in difficult situations
  • have mutually respectful relationships
  • have difficult conversations with their peers and grown ups
  • understand the laws around, and consequences of, carrying weapons
  • access support and get help if needed.

Children in years 5 and 6 participated in an interactive assembly led by Hannah, and a creative workshop to look more intricately at how we can make informed decisions, as well as helpful conversation starters for exploring sensitive topics. This was a fantastically positive opportunity for students to work together in a safe and supportive environment in order to understand more about rights, choices and consequences.