Victorian Facts

Queen Victoria was only 18 when she came to the throne and she had a lot to learn. Her reign had a rocky start. She thought that, as queen, she could do as she liked, and she quickly had to learn that she couldn’t.  

Victorian Architecture (1837 – 1901) 
19th century


Victorian Houses 

VictoriaThe Victorian period is the time when Queen Victoria ruled Britain.

With the beginning of the railways and new manufacturing processes, previously locally produced building materials became available all over the country. This meant the end of all houses in the local area being built using the same building materials. Houses made of local stone, timber and straw could now, for example, be built of bricks from Bedfordshire and slate from North Wales.

The new mass produced bricks were cheaper and required less preparation and maintenance, so for the first time all over the country new mansions, chapels, cottages, barns and factories were made from the same material irrespective of region.


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