Year 1 – 14.1.21 Home Learning

Good morning Year 1, let’s start another new day of home learning, which you continue to impress us with!

Here are your home learning activities for today which we will go through in the Google Meet at 10.15am.


Phonics will be part of our Google Meet. Our sound today is ‘igh’ as in ‘light’


Today, during the Google meet session, we are going to read another Supertato book called ‘Supertato Carnival Catastro-pea’. It is written by the same authors, Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. Here is the link if you would like to watch it again.

This is a different Supertato story, featuring the same characters. Can you think of another Supertato story and create a front cover for it. Examples could be Supertato saves school dinners. Supertato and Evil pea work as a team. You can be super imaginative!


We are going to focus on our number formation in Maths. Have a go at the number formation sheet in your packs labelled ‘Day8’. Take your time and remember how important it is for the numbers we write to be clear and easy to read. Once you have done the sheet. Have a go at forming numbers in different ways using house hold objects, play dough, paint, chalks outside, water with paintbrushes outside on the wall or paving. We look forward to reading the beautifully formed numbers you create.

Play dough

nuggets and counters

Chalk and paint


For topic we are going to become scientist! We are going to grow our own carrot tops. We will predict what we think is going to happen, carry out the experiment which will run for the next 5 weeks and draw and record what is happening each week.

Here is a quick ‘You Tube’ video that shows how it’s done. Remember a grown up has to be present when watching clips on You Tube. Thank you.

Next week you will receive a recording sheet in you packs so you can draw the progress of your carrot top.

There will be another Google Meet at 1.45pm, the link will be sent after this mornings meeting. Remember to send any work to your child’s class email address.

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