Year 1 – 5.1.21 Home Learning

Good morning Year 1. We hope you are all safe and well and ready for your first day of home learning.

Here is a breakdown of todays tasks and we shall see you at 10:15am on Google meet to explain them further. A link for the Google meet was sent yesterday to your email address.


Phonics will be part of the google meet and todays sound is ‘qu’, as in ‘quick’.


Today on Google meet we will be reading the story Supertato. Here is a link to the story on You Tube. Please can you make sure an adult is always present whilst accessing You Tube.


In Maths we will be thinking about shapes. In your pack there is a ‘fact or fib’ sheet. You will read the statements with a grown up and decide whether it is a fact or a fib. You can have a go at creating your own facts and fibs to describe the properties of 2D shapes.


Todays creative challenge is based on the artist Arcimboldo. He was an Italian artist that created imaginative portraits out of fruit and vegetables.

Here is an example of his work.

Arcimboldo Vertumnus

We would like you to use fruit and vegetables that you have at home to create artwork of people.

Arcimboldo - Vegetable Art Lesson (Suitable for all ages) | Teaching  Resources

Have fun and we look forward to seeing your photographs of your work when you send them to your class email.

1S – Mrs Stubbs –

1H – Miss Holt –

Examples of your work will be displayed on a Blog post later on this afternoon.

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