Welcome back!
Here are the activities for this afternoon:

Design Technology
As always, we understand it may be hard to complete craft activities whilst you are home learning. However, we will always give you the opportunity to complete some form of ‘hands on’ activity during your afternoon lessons, so there will be two options.
Option one: Make a Christmas lamp.
Option two: Christmas around the world.
Christmas is celebrated in different countries all over the world, in many different and beautiful ways. What Christmas tree traditions happen around the world?
Research two different ways people decorate their homes and trees at Christmas time, in different places around the world.
Each example needs to be from a different part of the world other than the UK.
For example, in France it is not unusual to decorate your Christmas tree with glass fruit; red apples are a popular choice.
Find two pictures and label them with the country they are from.
Challenge: Write a sentence to explain the picture or tradition.
We can’t wait to see what interesting christmas traditions you find!
Challenge Box
This week, we are recapping geography skills linked to our topic lesson.
Can you remember what a continent is? Watch the video below and answer the continents fact or fib.

Enjoy the rest of your day everyone,
The SSC Team