Good morning everyone.
This week our timetable is all about looking back and reflecting upon our time in year 3. I know that it hasn’t been a normal year, but you have all been amazing and worked so, so hard both in school and at home. You should be very proud of yourselves.

The day starts off with some handwriting, then reading time and then some times table practice on TT Rockstars.
For your writing challenge we would like you to write about your memories in year 3. It could be about fun times that you have shared with your friends, something that you couldn’t do in year 2, but now can, your favourite topic or book or anything else that has been memorable whilst being in year 3. If you are stuck for ideas here is something to help.

After lunch it is time for some wellbeing. We think that you are all amazing, but we would like you to reflect upon what you think is amazing about yourself. We want you to tell us what you are good at, why you are a good friend and what is your special talent.

Finally to finish the day we would like you to draw a picture of something that makes you smile. It could be a pet, your family, your friends, a favourite game or activity or even your favourite food.
We hope that you have a great day and can’t wait to see your learning from the day. Don’t forget that……………..

Mrs Kershaw and Miss Smith