Good Morning SSC Class

Hello everyone! Wow, it is the last week of the Summer term already and what a busy one we have had. We’re so pleased with how hard everyone has worked this term and how the whole SSC team have tried their best to look after themselves and everybody else.

Today’s learning:



During our English lesson we are going to be thinking about what we can remember about the capital cities and continents of the world. Read the statements below, have I told you a fact or a fib?


During our maths lesson today we are going to be completing all our green pen challenges. How many of your multiplication facts do you now know? Do you know the facts for all twelve times tables?


We really hope that is isn’t going to rain this afternoon as we haven’t been able to play ‘Run the Gauntlet’ for a little while. If it does rain we will complete a Joe Wicks workout indoors. Could you complete your own workout at home?

Have a great day

The SSC Team

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