Good Morning SSC Class

Hello everyone! We’re nearly at the end of week four already!

We have had some great examples of home learning sent in this week:

Wow William! We are really impressed with the range of activities which you are completing at home. We can’t wait to see you and hear all about what you have been doing.

Yesterday was another busy day in the SSC. We loved making cars on Tuesday so yesterday we had a go at making some catapults. What do you think?

Today’s learning

Today is a home learning day for everyone in the SSC. Here are some activities which you might like to complete today:


Today is a very sunny and hot day so you might not feel like moving around too much. Can you find a cool, shady spot and read something of your choice? It doesn’t have to be a book; it could be a comic or a magazine or finding some facts on the internet about your favourite hobby or something which interests you. You might like to try and find the sun safety words in the wordsearch below:

Although the sunshine is a good source of Vitamin D and often makes people (and cats!) happy, the sun can also be quite dangerous. It’s really important to be sun safe.

Have a great day

The SSC Team

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