Wahoo! It’s the start of a new week- let’s start this one by having a dance!
We hope you had a wonderful bank holiday weekend! Here is the timetable for the next week of home learning:

First, we would like you to warm up your fingers and practice your handwriting using Letterjoin.
After that we would like you to read a book. You could read to yourself, or you could read a book to a family member.
For your maths challenge, we want you to use your place value knowledge. First, think of what key pieces of maths vocabulary come to your mind when you see the words place value. Make a mind map of these words. Next, can you answer the questions below?

Next we want you to imagine that you live in the Stone Age, how would your life be different? As a Stone Age child, can you answer the questions below?

For you history challenge we would like you to order the events below chronologically (in time order). Remember B.C means before the birth of Christ and A.D means Anno Domini, this refers to the years after Christ was born. If the year happened B.C (before Christ), the bigger the number the further back in history it happened. Extra challenge: Can you research an event from the timeline?

This afternoon we would like you to relax and think about what you would like to say to your teachers. You could write your teachers a letter to give to them when we return to school. In your letter you could tell your teachers what you have been doing, what you have enjoyed and what you have missed.

Remember to send pictures of your fantastic work to year3@bowkervale.manchester.sch.uk , we look forward to hearing from you. We hope you have a fantastic Monday.
Miss Smith and Mrs Kershaw