Faith’s Homework Thursday 12th February 4a’s Trip To John Ryland’s Library

Mrs Ryland                                                                                 Mr Ryland


Our  Trip


On the 10.02.15, 4a when to John Ryland’s library for a tour and a map workshop. First we got our coats and went to the toilet. Then we strolled to the Bowker Vale tram station and had to wait for the tram. Then when the tram came it was so full not all of us could fit in! So we had to wait for the next tram . When we finaly got on the tram we were stuck so much we could not move! We got there and met our tour guide Leanne. She  was very kind. She gave each pair a tour guide booklet and asked us which way  we would have to go to get to the Crawford Room. We went into the Crawford Room and had a small look around. Then we had to move on to the Spencer Room. In the Spencer Room it was full of books . This reminded us of The Fantastic Flying Books Of Mr Morris Lessmore.

After, looking around she asked us which way to go to the Historic Reading Room. To get to the Historic Reading Room we had to climb two floors and then walk into the second room. In the Historic Reading Room there was two white marble statues. [ displayed at top ] One of  Mrs Ryland and one of Mr Ryland.  Mr Ryland  had died before the library was constructed , so the library was constructed in his honour.

Next, it was time to have our workshop , so we went to the Education Room. First we had to find several different places on a map of today . Then we had to study a map from the past and answer the questions on our case notes sheet. We each got a magnifying glass and a evidence pack with clues in per table and also one map per table. After we studied the maps we had to present them in time order.  My group had the sheet of Manchester in 1751.

After that, it was time to go, so we said thank you and set foot for the tram stop we got on the tram to Bury and had a long wait on the tram before we could get off.

When we got back to school we carried on with our day with eating our lunch and went on the blog then went home.


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