In 1914 August war was declared by Austria-Hungary, because an important man called  Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were shot dead by a man called  Gavrilo Princip, as he wanted Austro-Hungarian Empire out of Bosnia.This seemingly small conflict between the 2 spread rapidly over 30 countries – England, Germany, Austria, Serbia, France,Russia and many more…


Trenches were long, narrow ditches dug into the ground where soldiers lived all day and night.There were many lines of German trenches on one side and many lines of Allied trenches on the other.In the middle, was No Man’s Land, so-called because it did not belong to either army. Soldiers crossed No Man’s Land when they wanted to attack the other side.

Soldiers in the trenches did not get much sleep. When they did, it was in the afternoon in the  daylight and at night only for an hour at a time. They were woken up at different times, either to complete one of their daily chores or to fight. During rest time, they wrote letters and sometimes played card games.

The trenches were very muddy and smelly. There were many dead bodies buried nearby and the toilets sometimes overflowed into the trenches. Millions of rats entered the trenches and some of them grew as big as cats. There was also a big problem with lice, it was horrible!!!


The progress of the tanks in World War 1 was quite remarkable.In World War 1 tanks first appeared at the Battle of Flers-Courcelette in September 1916. It was the first time tanks had ever been used in a military conflict.The British sent 49 tanks into the battle.WW1 tanks were very slow and couldn’t exceed 4 miles an hour.

In 1918 Britain and France had produced 6,506 tanks between them. Germany had produced just 20.Germany learnt to deal with WW1 tanks very effectively.During the Battle of Amiens in 1918 72% of allied tanks were destroyed in just 4 days.6 days before the end of World War 1 the British Tank Corps only had 8 tanks left.


The Bayonet was developed in Bayonne, France, in the early 17th century.  That it was still apparently in commonplace use during the first world war may seem incongruous when compared to leaps in technological warfare typified by artillery, grenades and poison gases.  The bayonet was used by all sides from 1914-18.

The flamethrower, which brought terror to French and British soldiers when used by the German army in the early phases of the in 1914 and 1915.The idea of a flamethrower was to spread fire by burning fuel!

The pistol, originally designed as a cavalry weapon, was the staple weapon for a variety of personnel during World War One.  Traditionally issued to officers of all armies the pistol was also issued to military police, airmen and tank operators.

In World War One, the development and use of poison gas was needed by the requirement of wartime armies to find new ways of overcoming the stalemate of unexpected trench warfare. there were also many other weapons used in world war 1.


On the 11th month on the 11th day on the 11th hour World War 1 came to an end – the Germans signed the armistice papers and the British allies took victory! The story behind this was because  Russia backed out the year before, (1917)  and Germany thought they were  in a very strong position as they were.Then in 1918  in May the USA and Russia joined again  with fresh men to fight, and this is what made the Germans back down! So basically Britain didn’t win, they won by forfeit!


World war 1 did lead to world war 2, because the armistice paper that Germany signed said that 20 years after WW1 they had to fight  again and the end of world war 1 was in 1919 so that is why WW2 started!

THE END!!!!!!

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